Commonly used refined flours like maida can be very detrimental to your gut, interfering with digestion. They may also contain gluten, which is harmful to a significant percentage of the population that suffer from gluten sensitivity or celiac disease.
Jowar or sorghum is a type of millet grown in India, is high in fibre and is gluten-free. This superior grain is immensely rich in protein and minerals like iron, magnesium and phosphorus. It is also packed with high levels of vitamin B and boosts your energy levels for the day. Jowar can also play a crucial role in your weight loss diet because of its high protein content and complex carbohydrates.
Here are some reasons to add jowar flour to your diet:
Prevention and Management of Diabetes
When one consumes simple sugars, their blood sugar often rises abruptly. Constant spikes like this are harmful and can lead to insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. In contrast, jowar contains complex carbohydrates. This kind of carbohydrate meets your energy needs while increasing blood sugar at a reduced rate. A gradual release regulates sugar levels in a person with diabetes and helps prevent type 2 diabetes in healthy individuals.
Healthy Heart Function
Jowar’s fibre content, along with antioxidants and vitamins, helps lower LDL cholesterol levels. Left uncontrolled, these unhealthy cholesterols can lead to blockages, impair blood flow and reduce overall heart health. With cholesterol levels in check, jowar can help prevent heart disorders, heart attacks or strokes.
Aids Against Cancer
There are vital antioxidants present in jowar that are known to reduce the chance of cancer. These antioxidants can neutralise dangerous free radicals responsible for the growth of cancerous cells.
Helps in Weight Loss
Jowar is high in fibre and protein, with a low glycemic index. These properties mean jowar has a longer digestion time, prolonging the feeling of fullness without added calories. An extended feeling of satiety prevents overeating at your regular meals. It also cuts out unhelpful in-between snacking, ultimately leading to healthy weight loss. The high fibre content further regulates the absorption of sugar in your body and helps prevent obesity.
Healthy Digestion
As it contains an ample amount of fibre, jowar makes the digestion process more efficient. Fibre absorbs water and manages the time food spends in our digestive tract. This facilitates optimum absorption. By aiding in healthy digestion, jowar can shield against various bowel issues like irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, diarrhoea and indigestion.
Increasing Stamina
Jowar is a great natural source of the B-complex vitamins. These vitamins are essential in converting food to energy in your body. Including Jowar in your diet can help keep your energy levels up, making you feel less sluggish and charged for the day.
Healthy Circulation
Jowar contains iron and copper, which together help in the production of healthy blood. Copper helps the body absorb iron, which is vital for healthy red blood cells. Iron is also an essential component of the chemical haemoglobin in the bloodstream, which helps red blood cells carry oxygen. A higher level of oxygen in your blood boosts circulation, increases your energy and prevents deficiency anaemia.
Alternative for Gluten
A lot of the healthy whole grains in the market also contain gluten. Gluten is very harmful in individuals who have gluten sensitivity or celiac’s disease. Jowar, on the other hand, is gluten-free with minerals like iron, magnesium, copper and phosphorus. It is also high in fibre and vitamins, the perfect alternative for people with gluten intolerance.
Strong Bones
Jowar contains a good amount of calcium and magnesium. Calcium fortifies bones and prevents bone weakness, which could lead to arthritis, rickets or other deficiency disorders. Magnesium plays a role in the absorption of calcium, making it available to your body.
Healthy Skin
Jowar contains a slew of B vitamins like B1and B6. These aid in the formation of healthy hair and skin. These vitamins help prevent acne and reduce redness and inflammation of the skin, leaving your skin radiant.
At Mayenkar Products you can buy the best jowar flour in India from our website especially made for a healthier you. You can also follow us on Instagram and Facebook for further updates and posts.